This website (the " Site ") is owned and operated by the Covered Bond Label Foundation (the Covered Bond Label Foundation together with its affiliates, " we " or " us ") a Private Foundation (fondation privée / private stichting) registered in Belgium; whose registered office is at Rue de la Science 14 - 1040 Brussels
SR-Boligkreditt AS is a wholly owned special bank subsidiary of SpareBank 1 SR-Bank, established under the Norwegian Covered Bonds Legislation. SR-Boligkreditt AS was established on the 17th March 2015 with the sole purpose of issuing covered bonds backed by mortgages acquired from the owner.
för Norden på 7,1 procent, att jämföra med I Figur 7 bryter vi ned den utestående vo- lymen på sektornivå. Norges siffra för 2018 drogs upp DNB Boligkreditt. Fondens jämförelseindex (Euro London Interbank Bid Rate, 7 dagar) föll. 0,28 %. SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt AS 0.05% 25-01-2022.
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2 % 26.9 21.7 23.7 . Tier 1 capital ratio. 2 % 6 Storebrand Boligkreditt AS Interim report 2019 (NOK million) Note 31 03 2019 31 03 2018 31 12 2018 Loans to and deposits with credit institutions 6 109 4 218 3 248 0 Loans to customers 6, 11, 14, 15 17,877.7 17,165.7 18,484.8 Financial assets designated at fair value through profit and loss: DNB Boligkreditt Date: 14-Jun-2018 Issue date: 19-Jun-2018 Maturity date: 19-Jun-2025 Tenor: 7 Issuer Name DNB Boligkreditt Amount Issued EUR1.5bn (USD1.7bn) Country of risk Norway CBI Database Included Issuer Type1 Financial Corporate Bond Type Green Covered Bond Green Bond At end-June 2016, DNB Boligkreditt had total assets of NOK 660.6 billion, an increase of NOK 7.8 billion or 1.2 per cent from end-June 2015. June30 Amounts in NOK million 2016 Change 2015 Total assets 660 608 7 842 652 766 Loans to customers 15 452 Financial derivatives (10 301) Other assets 2 691 Total liabilities 620 804 3 560 617 244 Retained earnings 76 0 62 8 76 7 Total equity 10 1,520.4 1,143.1 1,472.0 Total liabilities and equity 19,209.1 16,805.2 18,822.9 Storebrand Boligkreditt AS Statement of financial position Lysaker, 22 October 2019 The Board of Directors of Storebrand Boligkreditt AS SR-Bank SR-Boligkreditt 7 Return on equity Key figures –quarterly development 3.4% 8.3% Q4 19 Q1 20 Q2 20 Q3 20 Q4 20 4.0% 8.2% 9.7% CET 1* Q1 20 18.5% Q4 19 Q2 20 Q3 20 Q4 20 conducted the verification of SR-Boligkreditt’s green bond, issued to finance Nominated Projects, and provided an independent opinion informing SR-Boligkreditt as to the conformance of the green bond with the Pre-Issuance requirements and Low Carbon Buildings criteria of the Climate Bonds Standard.
Amount in NOK mill. 7 000. Maturity date Leads on the Aaa Moody's-rated deal are likely to consider Sparebank 1 Boligkreditt's €1bn seven year for price comparison purposes.
Sparebanken Sor Boligkreditt AS - Mortgage Covered Bonds Page 1 (note 1) The data reported in this PO is based on information provided by the issuer and may include certain assumptions made by Moody's.
Debitorrente 4,53-8,19%. Årlig rente inklusive renters rente. Årlig provision 0,75%.
utgjør 34,3 millioner kroner (25,7 millioner kroner), hvorav 31,9 millioner kroner er knyttet til obligasjonsinnlån og 2,3 millioner kroner til lån i Landkreditt Bank.
Declaration by persons responsible The estimated tax expense was NOK 19.0 (11.7) million in the quarter, corresponding to an effective tax rate of 21.3 (20.6) per cent. Loans to customers Loans to customers amounted to NOK 35.2 (34.4) billion.
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This was followed up with a EUR 1 bn green covered bond with a 7 year maturity in September. SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt Cover Pool overview Q2 2020 Type Norwegian private residential mortgages for all types of residences Number of mortgages 138,275 mortgages with a weighted average interest rate of 2.1% SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt AS Issue of NOK 500,000,000 series 2011/7 4.75 per cent. Covered Bonds due 5 October 2026 Tranche 3 (Extendable to 5 October 2027) under the EUR 15,000,000,000 Global Medium Term Covered Note Programme PART A – CONTRACTUAL TERMS DNB Boligkreditt AS is the DNB Group’s vehicle for the issue of covered bonds based on residential mortgages. The company’s office is located in Oslo. DNB Boligkreditt is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DNB Bank ASA and is reported as part of the Personal Banking Norway business area in DNB’s consolidated accounts.
The company’s office is located in Oslo. DNB Boligkreditt is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DNB Bank ASA and is reported as part of the Personal Banking Norway business area in DNB’s consolidated accounts. Issue Information Domestic bonds Sparebanken Vest Boligkreditt, 2.7% 28sep2028, NOK. Issue, Issuer, Yield, Prices, Payments, Analytical Comments, Ratings
This website (the " Site ") is owned and operated by the Covered Bond Label Foundation (the Covered Bond Label Foundation together with its affiliates, " we " or " us ") a Private Foundation (fondation privée / private stichting) registered in Belgium; whose registered office is at Rue de la Science 14 - 1040 Brussels
Landkreditt Boligkreditt AS Performance Update 3 April 2019 1/7 The AAA rating with a Stable Outlook assigned to the Norwegian mortgage-covered bonds issued out of Landkreditt Boligkreditt AS (LKBol) is based on the bank’s A- issuer rating, enhanced by six notches of cover pool support. Five
Interim Report Q3 2018 Sparebanken est Boligkreditt 7 Note 5 Classification of financial assets and liabilities The following table shows the classification of financial assets and liabilities under IFRS 9 on the balance sheet date.
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More Boligkreditt AS (14OD) · Half Yearly Report. 30 Apr 2015, 7:00 am, RNS · Factsheet · More Boligkreditt AS (14OD) · 1st Quarter Results. 06 Mar 2015, 12: 56
Utveckling 5 Eika Boligkreditt AS 2.375% 03.12.2018. för Norden på 7,1 procent, att jämföra med I Figur 7 bryter vi ned den utestående vo- lymen på sektornivå. Norges siffra för 2018 drogs upp DNB Boligkreditt. Fondens jämförelseindex (Euro London Interbank Bid Rate, 7 dagar) föll. 0,28 %. SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt AS 0.05% 25-01-2022.